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Agreement Per Using FBT

As Of March 25th, 2013


Anyone whom uses services from FBT (Forever Blessed Treasures) have agreed, no matter what personal issues, drama, etc is going on within your SL lives...FBT is allowed to post any and all photos that are appropriate within the Facebook guidelines (ei: nudity, slander, etc.) This means you sign over the right to recant any photos posted on this company page. Please be notified and forewarned! Thank you!


Anyone whom makes negative comments towards anyone whom uses FBT (Forever Blessed Treasures) which means comments on pictures, comments, statuses, etc...WILL be banned from doing so at ANY given time! "Liking" FBT gives the CEO/Founder Jessie Khaos right to see fit in banning and prohibits ANY disrespect to clients, customers, family, friends and yes EVEN enemies upon this page. By "liking" FBT you have agreed to this warning.

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